The Thing about Trees

Inspired by a post from Ben Wilder on Out of the Wilderness, I started writing a comment, and as bloggers all know once we start writing sometimes we can’t stop. so I thought I would share my thoughts on trees with y’all. This is a tree I found in the back corner of a parking lot at Manatee Beach on Anna Maria Island.

For the Hippie in me, Trees have a magical energy. They are my spirit plant if you will. Each one has a unique character that exemplifies the power from 4 main elements: earth , water, wind/air, and sky. First, it is rooted in the ground with a vast intertwining network of extensions ,solidifying it place and strength of being united with the global universe. It absorbs the water dropped from the sky seeping it’s way through the grass and dirt with it’s only purpose of quenching the trees thirst and encouraging its growth. As it grows, the branches reach out as if to share itself in appreciation of the air around it; pulling toxins out (carbon monoxide) and capitalizing on it own ability to purify the air while refurbishing the poison into a supplemental food source to the absorption of sun collected by the extended leaves. The air turns into a breeze or wind moving the branches as if its appreciation of purification is natures music allowing trees to sway and sometimes dance.. Too much wind can be as intoxicating, just as too much alcohol can be to the human soul, and if too drunk the dance becomes a tumble or a fall: sometimes even breaking. The sky collects the moisture that form clouds and rain, and the tree grows, reaching out to the heavens with a fortitude of majestic stature. Each tree has its own energy or level of vibration and you can walk by many of the same types of trees, but it is the one that matches your souls vibration level you notice.

Published by Pam Brant

I am a beach volleyball travel writer who promotes players, coaches, officials, trainers, organizations, clubs, and other volleyball related services to increase involvement and awareness of the sport in a fun exciting way. Enjoy the journeys of the Volleyball Lifestyle while connecting with others around the USA as we improve community health. I invite you all to like, follow and share my blogs as I visit new and exciting places: Meet some amazing people along the way, and even join in the fun!!! This is for all levels and ages, recreational to professional. Your Feedback is important to me, as I share my information not only with my traveling athletes, coaches, and trainers, but also with any volleyball organization and club. Let's enjoy the journey together of the volleyball lifestyle, share community activities, and promote healthy activity by traveling to our beautiful parks, beaches, and other venues along the way!

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